What You Get | $99.99/user/mo |
Unlimited Tasks | ✔ |
Unlimited Teams | ✔ |
Recurring Tasks | ✔ |
Business-Grade File Sync & Share | ✔ |
Unlimited Storage | ✔ |
Secure File Sharing | ✔ |
Advanced Permissions | ✔ |
Advanced Dashboard Features | ✔ |
Advanced Filtering and Search | ✔ |
Client Info Management | ✔ |
Time Tracking | ✔ |
24/7 Support | ✔ |
Client Portal | ✔ |
SOP Creation | ✔ |
Workflow Standardization | ✔ |
Data Analytics | ✔ |
Team Inbox | ✔ |
Calendar View | ✔ |
Automated Reminders | ✔ |
Yes, WorkflowTitan is billed monthly. When your free trial period is over and you upgrade to a paid plan, your billing cycle begins.
The great thing about WorkflowTitan is that it's commitment-free. After your 14-day trial, you can decide if you'd like to upgrade to a paid plan, and you can cancel at any time.
If you are the admin of the account, you can access your invoices, payment details, purchase history, and more. Learn how to manage your subscription here.
Security is a top priority at WorkflowTitan. By using your Microsoft or Google work account, your data is more secure. Both Microsoft and Google provide robust security measures for their work accounts, including two-factor authentication, encryption, and centralized administration tools.
WorkflowTitan is always free for 14 days, no credit card needed. After the free trial period is up, users must upgrade to a paid plan to continue using the software. WorkflowTitan does not offer a free plan.